Fingerroots (Boesenbergia pandurata) are traditional herb which are extensively cultivated in Thailand. Fingerroots have high antioxidant properties. They were dried be freeze dryer and tray dryer at 60°C for 5 hours and 6 hours. Ethanolic extracts of dried fingerroots were used to study of the total flavonoid content and antioxidant capacity. The total flavonoid content of tray-dried (6 hours) fingerroot was 259.07 mg/100g dry weight basis. Furthermore, tray-dried (6 hours) fingerroot had higher radical scavenging capacity values in both DPPH and ABTS than those of the freeze-dried and tray-dried (5 hours) fingerroots. Analysis of major flavonoid compounds by HPLC showed that tray-dried (6 hours) fingerroots contained high pinocembrin and pinostrobin contents as compared to other drying conditions.