In this study, spatial distributions and accumulation of Pb, Cd, Cu, and Ni as consequence of long term
irrigation with domestic wastewater were assessed. The study was performed on Elgabal Elasfar farm
near Cairo, Egypt that was established on desert land in 1911. Concentrations of the studied heavy metals
in water samples are less than the permissible level for irrigation. In 37.5% of the total area, Pb
concentrations exceeded 100-Pb mg kg1. Meanwhile, in 63.9% of the land area Cu concentrations in the
surface soil ranged from 50.0 to 120.5 mg kg1. Critical concentration levels for Cd were encountered in
the surface layer which ranged from 0.8 to 3.0 mg kg1. The Ni concentrations in the surface soil were
within the permissible level. Distribution of heavymetal concentrations versus soil depth indicated that
Pb accumulation was mainly in the topsoil whereas, extensive mobility and potential hazard for soil
contamination were observed for Cu < Ni < Cd. Continued monitoring of heavy metals levels is
recommended for future management strategies.