Dear All,
In mid-June we’ll start to ramp up our own WWTP.
We would like to conduct orientation sessions to ABFT staff in order to give some understanding
• what we have been building over the last 9 months
• and awareness how it will affect our operation.
Attendance should be compulsory for BH and MOP Group-leaders up (26 persons)
It was suggested to invite also Planning.
We’ll need at least 2 sessions because of Process shift operation; of course more sessions can be held for others interested.
Date: Can we set June 13th tentatively for everyone involved who contributes to aim on this. 1 morning + 1 afternoon session.
Venue: Harmonized / WWTP
Classroom: 90 minutes
Walk through: 40 minutes
Please have a look at the attached draft presentation.
I have suggested the subjects to be covered and who would prepare the slides and present them (in Thai)
Feel free to add subjects if you think they are essential to give a more comprehensive picture.
I guess the highlight will be the guided tour through the WWTP; we will prepare it safe for that purpose and split the tour into smaller groups.
A key message to the first target group will be that during this critical phase they get part of the WWTP project team. In my opinion it would help if we could get this even a bit more formal (names/responsibilities)?
I will set a meeting among a smaller group to start planning for the events.
Appreciate your suggestions and contribution!