What is Language? Language is a dual system of artitrary vocal symbols human communication, The duality used for to the coeristende of two systems of languagen-ee system of sounds and wystom meanings. thus, duality is n basio teature of language, unguage is artitrary tiecause we cannot predict which features wr be found in any particular language, landuage is symtolic because the words humans speak nrm astoolated with objects, ideas, and actions. nded In any study of language or linguistics, there are several basic distinctions that should be Not only do these distinctions underue the study dianguage, tut to some entent they underiin the study of cutturn. The st distinction is between description and prescription, unguists describe rather than prescrite innguages, in other words, s assume that human language cannot be evaluated or judged, and they are more interested in how language works of doesn't work than in how language should be improved. The descriptive stance is very unnatural we all have definin ideas about what is.proper within for a speaker of any language to adopt. the languages we speak people are taught to be prescriptive in speaking and writng The inguists descripove stance is somewhat similar to the atm ical principle of cultural childhood, we reddived instructon on the proper way to speak our language, relativism. Thronion and any mistakes we made were quickly corrected, in much the same way, we are taught that our culture is the best culture. This attitude, or ethnocentrism, is common in every outture, The syllable contric or centrism derives from the Greek word konfrik, or contro, and because ethno means culture, the t et nocentric can be thought of as culturo centred, or not being able to go beyond one's cide or cultural values. Anthropologists try to overcome the blas implicit in by applying the prindple of nnocentrism cultural relativity Antropologists look at a culture from the perspective of its own terms and values and try not to evaluate a culturo through their own system of cultural values. cultural relativity can only be a goal, however, in the sense that no one can be absolutely free of cultural values Languages are approached from a nonprescriptive stance All human languages and cultures best are equally complex and sophisticated, there is no primitive language. All humans have the ability to create and recreate complex systems of sounds and meanings using their voices and bodies
What is Language? Language is a dual system of artitrary vocal symbols human communication, The duality used for to the coeristende of two systems of languagen-ee system of sounds and wystom meanings. thus, duality is n basio teature of language, unguage is artitrary tiecause we cannot predict which features wr be found in any particular language, landuage is symtolic because the words humans speak nrm astoolated with objects, ideas, and actions. nded In any study of language or linguistics, there are several basic distinctions that should be Not only do these distinctions underue the study dianguage, tut to some entent they underiin the study of cutturn. The st distinction is between description and prescription, unguists describe rather than prescrite innguages, in other words, s assume that human language cannot be evaluated or judged, and they are more interested in how language works of doesn't work than in how language should be improved. The descriptive stance is very unnatural we all have definin ideas about what is.proper within for a speaker of any language to adopt. the languages we speak people are taught to be prescriptive in speaking and writng The inguists descripove stance is somewhat similar to the atm ical principle of cultural childhood, we reddived instructon on the proper way to speak our language, relativism. Thronion and any mistakes we made were quickly corrected, in much the same way, we are taught that our culture is the best culture. This attitude, or ethnocentrism, is common in every outture, The syllable contric or centrism derives from the Greek word konfrik, or contro, and because ethno means culture, the t et nocentric can be thought of as culturo centred, or not being able to go beyond one's cide or cultural values. Anthropologists try to overcome the blas implicit in by applying the prindple of nnocentrism cultural relativity Antropologists look at a culture from the perspective of its own terms and values and try not to evaluate a culturo through their own system of cultural values. cultural relativity can only be a goal, however, in the sense that no one can be absolutely free of cultural values Languages are approached from a nonprescriptive stance All human languages and cultures best are equally complex and sophisticated, there is no primitive language. All humans have the ability to create and recreate complex systems of sounds and meanings using their voices and bodies
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