Validity of licences A Contracting State, having issued a licence, shall ensure that the privileges granted by that licence, or by related ratings, are not exercised unless the holder maintains com- petency and meets the requirements for recent experience established by that State. A Contracting State, having issued a licence, shall ensure that other Contracting States are enabled to be satisfied as to the validity of the licence.
Note 1.— The maintenance of competency of flight crew members, engaged in commercial air transport operations, may be satisfactorily established by demonstration of skill during proficiency flight checks completed in accordance with Annex 6.
Note 2.— Maintenance of competency may be satisfactorily recorded in the operator’s records, or in the flight crew member’s personal log book or licence.
Note 3.— Flight crew members may, to the extent deemed feasible by the State of Registry, demonstrate their continuing competency in synthetic flight trainers approved by that State.
Note 4.— See the Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulators (Doc 9625).