The ninth day of the Nine Schools Competition. The pleasant weather
that lasted until yesterday took a turn for the worse, with thick clouds
that hinted of rain covering the skies. It was a dark and overcast day.
Still, there was no blinding sunlight with the dark clouds in the sky,
creating perfect conditions for Mirage Bat. For the players, Miyuki
included, this forecast was undoubtedly "excellent weather".
"While this is an ideal condition for Mirage Bat... Yet I somehow feel
that this is the harbinger of conflict."
Hearing Tatsuya murmuring to himself as he watched the skies,
Miyuki creased her brows.
"Is something else going to happen...?"
"Since their goal remains a mystery... No evidence of something afoot
does not guarantee that nothing will occur. Regardless, Miyuki doesn't
need to worry. No matter what happens, only you, I will protect to the
absolute end."
Tatsuya's words had no superfluous meaning.
For Tatsuya, his sole purpose was to safeguard Miyuki.
To be brutally honest, in Tatsuya's mind, sacrificing the other players
was nothing more than a method to the madness.
However — Tatsuya probably gave thanks that no one was around to
overhear their conversation.
If a third party was present... If someone saw Tatsuya watching the
sky and, out of his sight range, Miyuki drooping her head in
embarrassment while wearing a thoroughly delighted smile as she
drifted towards him, they might report the siblings for the crime of
"homicide by headaches".
◊ ◊ ◊
Miyuki was set to appear in the second match.
Actually, appearing in the first match with the maximum amount of
rest was the best case. But now that Tatsuya thought about it, not
everything goes their way, so they should be thankful that she wasn't
scheduled for the third match.
The two of them chose to observe the first match from the auxiliary
observation deck on the side.
While there was a 45 minute break between the first and second
matches, moving from the main audience stands to the competition
arena was a waste of time.
The players from the other schools apparently thought the same, given
the way they were congregated around one side of the arena.
The ninth day of the Nine Schools Competition. The pleasant weatherthat lasted until yesterday took a turn for the worse, with thick cloudsthat hinted of rain covering the skies. It was a dark and overcast day.Still, there was no blinding sunlight with the dark clouds in the sky,creating perfect conditions for Mirage Bat. For the players, Miyukiincluded, this forecast was undoubtedly "excellent weather"."While this is an ideal condition for Mirage Bat... Yet I somehow feelthat this is the harbinger of conflict."Hearing Tatsuya murmuring to himself as he watched the skies,Miyuki creased her brows."Is something else going to happen...?""Since their goal remains a mystery... No evidence of something afootdoes not guarantee that nothing will occur. Regardless, Miyuki doesn'tneed to worry. No matter what happens, only you, I will protect to theabsolute end."Tatsuya's words had no superfluous meaning.For Tatsuya, his sole purpose was to safeguard Miyuki.To be brutally honest, in Tatsuya's mind, sacrificing the other playerswas nothing more than a method to the madness.However — Tatsuya probably gave thanks that no one was around tooverhear their conversation.If a third party was present... If someone saw Tatsuya watching thesky and, out of his sight range, Miyuki drooping her head inembarrassment while wearing a thoroughly delighted smile as shedrifted towards him, they might report the siblings for the crime of"homicide by headaches".
◊ ◊ ◊
Miyuki was set to appear in the second match.
Actually, appearing in the first match with the maximum amount of
rest was the best case. But now that Tatsuya thought about it, not
everything goes their way, so they should be thankful that she wasn't
scheduled for the third match.
The two of them chose to observe the first match from the auxiliary
observation deck on the side.
While there was a 45 minute break between the first and second
matches, moving from the main audience stands to the competition
arena was a waste of time.
The players from the other schools apparently thought the same, given
the way they were congregated around one side of the arena.
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