Table 2 Participant characteristics for study and control groups
Study group
(n = 50)
Control group
(n = 50)
Females/Males 21/29 15/35
Age average (range) 68 (43–98) 69 (37–96)
No. of bed days (range) 3Æ24 (0Æ94–8Æ73) 3Æ19 (0Æ79–15Æ20)
Anticoagulants 12 14
Bleeding disorders 0 1
Hypertension 22 20
Diabetes 5 12
Table 3 Distribution of participants with new or no bleeding episodes*
Primary outcome Study group Control group Total
New bleeding 21 24 45
No bleeding 29 26 55
Total 50 50 100
*Odds ratio 0Æ784 with a 95% CI of (0Æ356–1Æ728).