an important limiting issue is over voltage in low voltage(LV) feeders in the presence of non-dispatch able DG units. Due to the stochastic nature of the solar irradiance, photovoltalic(PV) units are considered uncontrollable regarding active power. During high generation and low load periods, there is a possibility of reveres power flow in the LV feeder. Several studies indicate that the voltage will rise when there is reverse power flow in the feeder due to DGs interconnection to the low voltage network. In general, the voltage limits established for inverter protection (0.88 and 1.1 pu of voltage) are mostly beyond North America's voltage limits for distribution networks (0.917 and 1.042 pu). Thus, the feeder may be experiencing overvoltage while the inverter protection dose not reach its threshold value. Such over voltage cases have been observed in light loaded systems and can limit the amount of PV that can be installed on these feeders. For instance, Germany limits the maximum voltage increase on the LV level due to distributed generation to 0.02 pu