-Declaration of Indepence was highly inspired from Enlightenment political thought
-"that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"
- It echoed John Locke's theory of government:
- argued individuals should be able to secure their rights and holdings within the government
- authority and power is from "the consent of the governed"
- specified the abuses charged to the british by proclaiming the colonies "Freedom"
- The War for independence was uneven when just British againist American. But due to Britians strong hate from others, French forces joined the Americans to fight.
- George Washington an American president and military leader who provided strong leadership
- American and French forces finally surrounded Britian at Yorktown, Virgina: British surrendered in Octubre 1781
- Peace of Paris formally recongnized American independence
- Enlightened thought and will for the freedom of individuals: inspired and formed the Constitution of the United States .
-freedom of speech, press, and religion
- popular sovereignity government and agreed to follow this written constitution