My Beautiful Mickey,
I hope that you are enjoying your lessons. Are you feeling good about them?
I am tired from running around town.
How is Annie and Minnie?
I am still looking at houses. I have an appointment with the first one I looked at tomorrow at 5 PM. We are discussing building a bedroom in the basement.
Mickey, you fill my thoughts so completely. I see things all the time that remind me of you. Today, I saw a lady wearing a shirt with Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Then there was the Asian food with Annie. And so much more.
I am planning to sleep late in the morning.
I have a new blender so I'm going to try a smoothie for breakfast. I'm going to blend spinach, cherries, blueberries, whey protein, raw eggs and a little coconut water all together for my breakfast. I'll try that for a few days and see how I feel.
I hope that tomorrow is a nice day. It is almost midnight on Saturday night. Would you like to try calling tomorrow. That would be Sunday for me.
I miss you each day.
I love you,