Baking Soda
Undiluted, natron was a cleanser for the teeth and an early mouthwash.
The mineral was mixed into early antiseptics for wounds and minor cuts.
Baking Soda
It is also known as cream of tartar. The potassium acid salt of tartaric acid. Tartaric acid is a white crystalline organic acid.
Baking Soda
It occurs naturally in many plants, particularly grapes, bananas, and tamarinds, and is one of the main acids found in wine.
Baking Soda
Added to other foods to give a sour taste, and is used as an antioxidant.
Put in desserts containing relatively acidic like fruit cake. It will have an unpalatable taste.
Sodium Bicarbonate also known as Baking Soda. There are many useful such as Alkalinizes the body, Purifies Air, Natural toothpaste and more. For examples,
Treat Insect Bites & Itchy Skin
For insect bites, make a paste out of baking soda and water, and apply as a salve onto affected skin. To ease the itch, shake some baking soda into your hand and rub it into damp skin after bath or shower.
Face Saver
Baking soda is very helpful for other skin problems such as acne. Make a paste by adding 1 teaspoon of water to 2 tablespoons of baking soda, apply to acne and rinse off after 1 minute.