ganglman23Dec 3, 2012
have good headphone, have volume high, have a bong, then have a listen. this is really transcendental!
Apr 27, 2013
Eva Trexler-GreenApr 27, 2013
what's-a "bong"?
All Comments
Aug 16, 2015
Bill EvansAug 16, 2015
This is more than amazing.
May 17, 2015
Luna FlyMay 17, 2015
It wont allow the link, but on G+ If you like
May 17, 2015
Luna FlyMay 17, 2015
I posted a blog all about sound frequencies!
May 17, 2015
ZygisrkoMay 17, 2015
This made me feel a little better after a night of drinking.
Jan 23, 2015
Some OneJan 23, 2015
Jan 10, 2015
keenanleetoddJan 10, 2015
this is recorded at a much higher volume than the others i have in my playlist . So i will remove it
Nov 17, 2014
Tis EyeNov 17, 2014
Bless your heart...
Oct 31, 2014
DigiLycheeOct 31, 2014
you die
Jul 16, 2014
maria loftJul 16, 2014
Eficaz gracias
Jun 20, 2014
venkat SmartboyJun 20, 2014
May 30, 2014
America's Oldest Teenager, Leif Garret;'May 30, 2014
The old comments system elevates my mood.
Apr 19, 2014
David BrooksApr 19, 2014
i would have to disagree. anything other than real-life quality is blurred or contorted, right? therefore the sounds themselves, while being similar to what you need, can technically be improved to work better on you by more closely matching what it is that your mind needs to improve in the exact way you need it to. BUT I think this would only matter to an insignificant extent so I also agree with you, audio.
Apr 7, 2014
Colin BootsApr 7, 2014
he must have marijuana smoking devise !?
Apr 4, 2014
Ryan PakledinazApr 4, 2014
Does anybody know what happens if you listen to different binaurals at once, like say 3Hz and 10Hz?
Apr 3, 2014
jesus christApr 3, 2014
take me to your leader!
Mar 22, 2014
Mr CJMar 22, 2014
omg, you have the old comment section. How I miss this so!
Mar 20, 2014
KetusastarMar 20, 2014
very cool! thanku xoxo
Mar 20, 2014
goatstaogMar 20, 2014
So is staring at the ceiling in the dark.
Mar 20, 2014
goatstaogMar 20, 2014
No -because MP3 - aac does handle these general frequencies. Of important note - youtube does not support above 192 kbps AAC - A technical aspect to keep in mind is you never know how the uploader has pre-processed the audio and could have put sound through plugins that may effect certain frequencies. You will NEVER have audio from youtube above 192kbps - so 320 is not even an option unless you have for instance a CD or an actual keyboard where you make the sounds yourself.
Feb 22, 2014
arnaVckFeb 22, 2014
Feb 22, 2014
max michaudFeb 22, 2014
lol :) made my day
Dec 9, 2013
krzysztof nasiadkaDec 9, 2013
my head hurts now
Dec 9, 2013
krzysztof nasiadkaDec 9, 2013
your supposed to have lucid dreams at night so that means your gonna have it if you feel dizzy
Nov 17, 2013
KenshiroitNov 17, 2013
I got dizzy is that normal?
Nov 11, 2013
Sai Krishna PNov 11, 2013
this is really nice...!
Nov 6, 2013
AudioEntrainmentNov 6, 2013
128hz will still play the frequencies as stereo.... Most people believe high quality is better simply because higher quality is better. As long as you are getting binaural sounds they will still be effective as it is the difference in frequencies that cause entrainment.
Nov 6, 2013
Brian RutterNov 6, 2013
Yes at the lower KbPS the sound switches from Stereo to Mono which makes entrainment impossible as far as i understand
Oct 25, 2013
lolzlmao11Oct 25, 2013
How long should i listen to this for?
Oct 20, 2013
tellyontellyonOct 20, 2013
I think it comes after a 'Bing', very much in the same way that a 'Ding' is followed by a 'Dong'.
Oct 13, 2013
Aeon FluxOct 13, 2013
Thanks for this certainly helps with schizophrenia
Oct 2, 2013
Mads ReedtzOct 2, 2013
It's a device used for smoking cannabis
Sep 25, 2013
Jason GearhartSep 25, 2013
It does have a very hypnotic quality to it. I listened to this once while sitting down at work, and when I took my break I noticed I was upbeat and socializing. I came into work tired and a little stressed/depressed. I thought I'd nap on my break, but I didn't.
Sep 23, 2013
Michael ShoburgerSep 23, 2013
Hey when I listen to this I think my alarm clock is going off then I realize I dont have one whhhat the hell what the hell
Sep 20, 2013
sdfhd1Sep 20, 2013
When I listen to this .. I feel something cold inside my head
Sep 16, 2013
DongWork4YudaSep 16, 2013
It's what the ancient races used before the invention of the vaporizer
Sep 11, 2013
Postscript624Sep 11, 2013
Hell yeah! The brain is the coolest!
Sep 2, 2013
AudioEntrainmentSep 2, 2013
I personally think that since it's the difference between tones that creates entrainment, quality shouldn't make a huge difference as the difference in frequencies remains the same, that being said pretty much every company that sells binaural beats claims high quality 320kbps files are best, and that is what we offer on the website as well!
Sep 2, 2013
epocalypsefulSep 2, 2013
Is there a difference when listening to this mp3 between 128 kbps and 320 kbps?
Aug 19, 2013
misiumAug 19, 2013
What is truly neat about this though is that it is not really the sound waves that interfere, since they are separated one for each ear. The effect is accomplished by the way brain interprets the two signals. To get the ordinary sound wave interference, take the headphones off and listen to both speakers with one ear. The two approaches produce similar beating sound, but are made by completely different processes - the mixing of electrical signals in brain vs the mixing of sound waves in air.
Aug 7, 2013
Vashta NeradaAug 7, 2013
dude you just need a bong
Aug 5, 2013
eureka842008Aug 5, 2013
its quite possible that we like and positively respond to this and similar sounds because it reminds us of how it used to sound inside the mummy's womb. I remember enjoying listening to the sound of a washing machine when I was a toddler.
Jul 22, 2013
Postscript624Jul 22, 2013
A neat effect you can add to this is to hum at the base frequency. Beats are a phenomenon produced when two nearly identical frequencies collide and interfere. So if a 100Hz sound a 105Hz sound collide they produce a 5Hz beat (you can test this by taking out one earphone, the beat should disappear if you have a stereo setup). If you hum close to whatever 'base' frequency while listening to your earphones another more complex beat pattern will be produced on top of the already existing one.
Jun 27, 2013
Eliza ValentineJun 27, 2013
A long tube-like "thing" use to smoke pot. Nothing mad though :p
Jun 18, 2013
Thomas CowardJun 18, 2013
This works quite well at blocking out negative thoughts .
Jun 3, 2013
robert christensenJun 3, 2013
It's what Amanda threw out the window....damn pop-o-rozzi's .
May 28, 2013
mcmilsea001May 28, 2013
A device used for smoking the healing leaf
Apr 27, 2013
Eva Trexler-GreenApr 27, 2013
what's-a "bong"?
Apr 23, 2013
kaiz0099Apr 23, 2013
Mar 7, 2013
victoria aldertonMar 7, 2013
Yes, Thankyou its very good Feel very good lol
Feb 22, 2013
Faik GURKANFeb 22, 2013
really good..
Dec 3, 2012
ganglman23Dec 3, 2012
have good headphone, have volume high, have a bong, then have a listen. this is really transcendental!
Apr 15, 2012
internetastronautApr 15, 2012
thank you!
ganglman23Dec 3, 2012มีหูฟังที่ดี มีปริมาณสูง มีบ้อง นั้นมีการรับฟัง นี่คือ transcendental จริง ๆ27 เม.ย. 56Eva Trexler-GreenApr 27, 2013สิ่งของ- "บอง"ความคิดเห็นทั้งหมด16 สิงหาคม 2015EvansAug ตั๋ว 16, 2015ตื่นตาตื่นใจมากกว่าอยู่17 พฤษภาคม 2015ลูน่า FlyMay 17, 2015มันจะช่วยให้การเชื่อมโยง แต่ใน G + ถ้า คุณชอบ17 พฤษภาคม 2015ลูน่า FlyMay 17, 2015ลงบล็อกเกี่ยวกับความถี่เสียง17 พฤษภาคม 2015ZygisrkoMay 17, 2015นี้ทำให้ฉันรู้สึกดีขึ้นเล็กน้อยของการดื่ม23 มกราคม 2015บาง OneJan 23, 201555510 มกราคม 2015keenanleetoddJan 10, 2015นี้คือบันทึกที่เป็นมากปริมาณสูงกว่าคนอื่น ๆ มีในรายการที่เล่นของฉัน ดังนั้น ฉันจะเอา17 พฤศจิกายน 2014มอก. EyeNov 17, 2014อวยพรใจ...31 ตุลาคม 2014DigiLycheeOct 31, 2014คุณตาย16 กรกฎาคม 2014มาเรีย loftJul 16, 2014Eficaz gracias20 jun, 2014venkat SmartboyJun 20, 2014เสีย30 พฤษภาคม 2014เก่าแก่ที่สุดของอเมริกาวัยรุ่น บิ Garret;' 30 พฤษภาคม 2014ความคิดเห็นระบบเก่ายกระดับอารมณ์ของฉัน19 เม.ย. 2014David BrooksApr 19, 2014ผมจะต้องไม่เห็นด้วย คุณภาพชีวิตใช่เบลอ หรือ contorted ขวา ดังนั้น เสียงตัวเอง ก็เหมือนกับสิ่งที่คุณต้อง สามารถเทคนิคปรับปรุงการทำงานดีกว่าคุณ โดยการเพิ่มเติมอย่างใกล้ชิดจับคู่มันคืออะไรที่ใจต้องการปรับปรุงวิธีแน่นอนที่คุณต้องการให้ แต่ผมคิดว่า นี้จะเพียงเรื่องขนาดไม่สำคัญดังนั้นผมยังเห็นด้วยกับคุณ เสียงApr 7, 2014Colin BootsApr 7, 2014he must have marijuana smoking devise !?Apr 4, 2014Ryan PakledinazApr 4, 2014Does anybody know what happens if you listen to different binaurals at once, like say 3Hz and 10Hz? Apr 3, 2014jesus christApr 3, 2014take me to your leader!Mar 22, 2014Mr CJMar 22, 2014omg, you have the old comment section. How I miss this so! Mar 20, 2014KetusastarMar 20, 2014very cool! thanku xoxoMar 20, 2014goatstaogMar 20, 2014So is staring at the ceiling in the dark.Mar 20, 2014goatstaogMar 20, 2014No -because MP3 - aac does handle these general frequencies. Of important note - youtube does not support above 192 kbps AAC - A technical aspect to keep in mind is you never know how the uploader has pre-processed the audio and could have put sound through plugins that may effect certain frequencies. You will NEVER have audio from youtube above 192kbps - so 320 is not even an option unless you have for instance a CD or an actual keyboard where you make the sounds yourself. Feb 22, 2014arnaVckFeb 22, 2014Yes.Feb 22, 2014max michaudFeb 22, 2014lol :) made my dayDec 9, 2013krzysztof nasiadkaDec 9, 2013my head hurts nowDec 9, 2013krzysztof nasiadkaDec 9, 2013your supposed to have lucid dreams at night so that means your gonna have it if you feel dizzy Nov 17, 2013KenshiroitNov 17, 2013I got dizzy is that normal?Nov 11, 2013Sai Krishna PNov 11, 2013this is really nice...!Nov 6, 2013AudioEntrainmentNov 6, 2013128hz will still play the frequencies as stereo.... Most people believe high quality is better simply because higher quality is better. As long as you are getting binaural sounds they will still be effective as it is the difference in frequencies that cause entrainment.Nov 6, 2013Brian RutterNov 6, 2013Yes at the lower KbPS the sound switches from Stereo to Mono which makes entrainment impossible as far as i understandOct 25, 2013lolzlmao11Oct 25, 2013How long should i listen to this for?Oct 20, 2013tellyontellyonOct 20, 2013I think it comes after a 'Bing', very much in the same way that a 'Ding' is followed by a 'Dong'. Oct 13, 2013Aeon FluxOct 13, 2013Thanks for this certainly helps with schizophreniaOct 2, 2013Mads ReedtzOct 2, 2013It's a device used for smoking cannabisSep 25, 2013Jason GearhartSep 25, 2013It does have a very hypnotic quality to it. I listened to this once while sitting down at work, and when I took my break I noticed I was upbeat and socializing. I came into work tired and a little stressed/depressed. I thought I'd nap on my break, but I didn't. Sep 23, 2013Michael ShoburgerSep 23, 2013Hey when I listen to this I think my alarm clock is going off then I realize I dont have one whhhat the hell what the hellSep 20, 2013sdfhd1Sep 20, 2013When I listen to this .. I feel something cold inside my head
Sep 16, 2013
DongWork4YudaSep 16, 2013
It's what the ancient races used before the invention of the vaporizer
Sep 11, 2013
Postscript624Sep 11, 2013
Hell yeah! The brain is the coolest!
Sep 2, 2013
AudioEntrainmentSep 2, 2013
I personally think that since it's the difference between tones that creates entrainment, quality shouldn't make a huge difference as the difference in frequencies remains the same, that being said pretty much every company that sells binaural beats claims high quality 320kbps files are best, and that is what we offer on the website as well!
Sep 2, 2013
epocalypsefulSep 2, 2013
Is there a difference when listening to this mp3 between 128 kbps and 320 kbps?
Aug 19, 2013
misiumAug 19, 2013
What is truly neat about this though is that it is not really the sound waves that interfere, since they are separated one for each ear. The effect is accomplished by the way brain interprets the two signals. To get the ordinary sound wave interference, take the headphones off and listen to both speakers with one ear. The two approaches produce similar beating sound, but are made by completely different processes - the mixing of electrical signals in brain vs the mixing of sound waves in air.
Aug 7, 2013
Vashta NeradaAug 7, 2013
dude you just need a bong
Aug 5, 2013
eureka842008Aug 5, 2013
its quite possible that we like and positively respond to this and similar sounds because it reminds us of how it used to sound inside the mummy's womb. I remember enjoying listening to the sound of a washing machine when I was a toddler.
Jul 22, 2013
Postscript624Jul 22, 2013
A neat effect you can add to this is to hum at the base frequency. Beats are a phenomenon produced when two nearly identical frequencies collide and interfere. So if a 100Hz sound a 105Hz sound collide they produce a 5Hz beat (you can test this by taking out one earphone, the beat should disappear if you have a stereo setup). If you hum close to whatever 'base' frequency while listening to your earphones another more complex beat pattern will be produced on top of the already existing one.
Jun 27, 2013
Eliza ValentineJun 27, 2013
A long tube-like "thing" use to smoke pot. Nothing mad though :p
Jun 18, 2013
Thomas CowardJun 18, 2013
This works quite well at blocking out negative thoughts .
Jun 3, 2013
robert christensenJun 3, 2013
It's what Amanda threw out the window....damn pop-o-rozzi's .
May 28, 2013
mcmilsea001May 28, 2013
A device used for smoking the healing leaf
Apr 27, 2013
Eva Trexler-GreenApr 27, 2013
what's-a "bong"?
Apr 23, 2013
kaiz0099Apr 23, 2013
Mar 7, 2013
victoria aldertonMar 7, 2013
Yes, Thankyou its very good Feel very good lol
Feb 22, 2013
Faik GURKANFeb 22, 2013
really good..
Dec 3, 2012
ganglman23Dec 3, 2012
have good headphone, have volume high, have a bong, then have a listen. this is really transcendental!
Apr 15, 2012
internetastronautApr 15, 2012
thank you!
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