Macroeconomic Stability
The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) latest report on global competitiveness revealed that, in terms
of macroeconomic stability (which in turn measures five variables: public finances, national savings
rate, inflation, interest rate differential and public debt), Mexico improved its ranking by 20 spots
between 2008 and 2009, going from the 48th position (out of 133 countries) to the 28th. Table 12
shows Mexico’s strength in important macroeconomic variables compared to other economies.
In terms of public debt, Mexico does not show solvency issues. The level of its public debt as a
percentage of its GDP is below 25%, much lower than countries such as Brazil, Argentina and India.
Moreover, recently adopted tax measures reinforce the medium-term sustainability of public
finances and the ability of the government to continue supporting improvements to the country’s