The field of glycoproteomics is dedicated to the identification of the glycosylated cohort of the
proteome. By studying changes in glycoprotein expression and modification, investigators can
place glycosylation in a biological context, assigning structures to specific proteins and thereby
determining the role glycosylation might play in their function. MS-based glycoproteomics has
been applied to identifying glycoproteins in sera, as well as biomarkers of healthy and cancerous
tissue (44–46). In general, a typical glycoproteomic experiment involves the proteolytic digestion
of a heterogeneous protein mixture, followed by glycopeptide enrichment, deglycosylation, and
MS-based analysis of the corresponding peptide or proteome (Figure 6). Glycopeptides can be
enriched for analysis through the use of several methods; one of the most popular uses lectin-
The field of glycoproteomics is dedicated to the identification of the glycosylated cohort of theproteome. By studying changes in glycoprotein expression and modification, investigators canplace glycosylation in a biological context, assigning structures to specific proteins and therebydetermining the role glycosylation might play in their function. MS-based glycoproteomics hasbeen applied to identifying glycoproteins in sera, as well as biomarkers of healthy and canceroustissue (44–46). In general, a typical glycoproteomic experiment involves the proteolytic digestionof a heterogeneous protein mixture, followed by glycopeptide enrichment, deglycosylation, andMS-based analysis of the corresponding peptide or proteome (Figure 6). Glycopeptides can beenriched for analysis through the use of several methods; one of the most popular uses lectin-
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