Mothers’ experiences of parenting a child with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder
Aim. This paper is a report of a study to explore the perceptions and experiences of
mothers parenting a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Background. Previous quantitative studies have focussed on parenting styles and
treatments, and highlight that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has a negative
impact on family functioning. However, fewer researchers have explored maternal
experiences of parenting a child with this disorder. A narrative-based feminist
approach can provide greater insights into complex issues related to mothering a
child with this disorder.
Method. Data were collected in 2007 with a volunteer sample of 11 mothers of
children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder via in-depth interviews.
Analysis was completed by listening for self-evaluative statements, paying attention
to meta-statements and by identifying both consistencies and incongruities within
participant’s narratives.
Findings. Dominant issues identified were: It’s been 10 years of being on edge: The
caring responsibility as overwhelming; If I had my time over again, I wouldn’t tell
the truth: Stigmatized, scrutinized and criticized; What have I done? What did I do?
How come I’ve got this child: Guilt and self-blame and He doesn’t stand a chance:
Mother as advocate.
Conclusion. Mothering a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is
stressful and demanding, and mothers felt marginalized. Media portrayal of this
disorder contributes to confusion related to causes, diagnosis and treatment choices.
More education for healthcare professionals is needed to enable them to give
appropriate guidance and support to enhance outcomes for children and their