(p < 0.05) post hoc tests revealed cabin crew had significantly
higher agreement, on average, than the three other occupational
groups. There was no significant difference in responses between
pilots and engineers, but there was a significant difference between
ground operations and engineers, with the ground operations
group responding more favorably.
For Safety Promotion & Communication, univariate tests revealed
there were significant differences in the mean scores between the
occupational groups (F(3,1196) ¼ 24.74, p < 0.000, partial s2 ¼ 0.06);
SNK (p < 0.05) post hoc tests revealed engineers reported signifi-
cantly lower scores than the three other occupational groups. Pilots
reported significantly lower scores than ground operations and
cabin crew, and ground operations reported significantly lower
scores than cabin crew. Therefore, regarding Safety Promotion &
Communication, the order of ranking of the four occupational groups
from more favorable responses to less favorable responses was cabin
crew, ground operations, pilots, and then engineers