There are several solutions for solving youth unemployed problems. Four main solutions are chosen from the committee.
First, the education systems should be improved. It might be an investing in institutional facilities or improving on teaching quality . The government and private institution probably have to emphasis more on the learning outcome throughout the potential of graduate student to meet institutional criterion.
Second, Funded providers of education is also needed for those poor children that have no chance to enter the school. Government should give them an institutional subsidy and give funds for the higher education as a reward for those student who have a good grade.
Third, the government should establish a policy, which support youth employed in the labour market and provide them a proper training through a desirable welfare.
Fourth, long term job security could be provided for the youth labour in order to reduce high turnover in workplace and guarantee that those youth labours could have an opportunity to work equally as the adult. The employment contracts ensure that youth labour will have a warrant for the working condition.