At present, plant in vitro culture in sugar free medium has become a new tendency
[Zeng 2005; Yang et al. 2007]. Due to the photoautotroph ability of plantlets inside the
culture bottle, adjusting the compounds of culture medium in terms of removing sugars
and increasing CO2 concentration inside the bottle, can benefit the plantlet growth under
closer natural condition as well as improve the survival rate of plantlets [Yang et al.
2007]. Applying new type of light resource, e.g. cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL)
[Tanaka et al. 2009] or field emission lamp (FEL) [Hamada et al. 2011] can also facilitate
and improve the growth of plantlets. Thus, regulating CO2 concentration, applying
new type of light and altering culture medium compositions should be taken into consideration
for the further development of asparagus in vitro culture technique.