1. Product Identifications
Product Name : TBBS
Chemical Name : N-tert-butyl-benzothiazole sulfenamide
Formula : C11H14N2S2
CAS N0. : 95-31-8
2. Physical Description/Properties
Specific Gravity: 1.28
Melting Point (C° Min): 105
Bulk Density (g/cm3): NA
Diameter of Pellet (mm): NA
PH Value NA
Appearance: White or off white powder and granule
Odor: Slight Amine
Taste: Slight Bitter
Solubility: Soluble in acetone and in ethyl alcohol.
Insoluble in water.
Volatiles % 7940mg/kg
8. Reactivity
Extinguish Media: Spray water, Carbon Dioxide, foam,
sand or dry chemical.
Chemical stability: Stable when stored in original container protected
from heat and moisture.
Materials to avoid: Strong oxidizers, acids and water.
Hazardous Polymerization: Does not occur.
Hazardous products of decomposition: Carbon monoxide, amines, oxides of
nitrogen and sulfur.