As seen in the figure above, only 20.6% of the participants think that the most important think is theory. 43.1%
are neutral, and 36.3% disagree with this idea. Besides, 73.7% of the participants agree that communication is the
most important requirement in the professional life, while only 7.3% disagree.
72.8% of the participants agree that having the ability of oral and written communication is as much as crucial as
is theory, since they believe that acquiring knowledge is much easier than gaining the ability to express themselves.
Nevertheless, 53.3% states that there does not exist a course for improving these skills. Therefore, they claim the
curriculum is lacks such courses that motivate personal development.
In recent years, the speed and money are also notable parameters in the working life as the quality of work timemoney
management considered. According to the survey, 45% of the participants believe they can control both these
parameters (see Figure 4) although 59% underlines that they have not taken any related course regarding this issue.
This is while engineering economy is, in fact, a compulsory course at Atilim University, with precisely the some
objectives as its learning outcomes.
Figure 3.