Field assessment of C. flavipes
Assessment of C. flavipes as a biological control agent for control the population of sugarcane moth borers
was carried out at each plot from March 1995 to December 1997. The population of sugarcane moth borers
complex and C. flavipes in release and control plots at both locations was investigated to determine population
levels, percent parasitization and percent infestation. Using one stool as a sample unit set, the sampling program,
and 100 samples were taken at random from each plot. The number of total parasitized and nonparasitized
larvae of sugarcane moth borers, the number of C, flnvipes and the number of total plant and
infested plants per stool were recorded. Sampling was carried out monthly for 3 years. Data were used to
assess the effectiveness of C. j7avipes as a biological control agent for aug~nentative biological control of
sugarcane moth borers complex in Thailand.