Celibate chastity in essence is a loving surrender to God which in turn is expressed in selfless service to humanity (see Mannath, Ch. 12, volume 2). An emotionally immature person is characterised, as we have seen above, by egocentrism. How can such a person have the ability to let go in a loving surrender to God and neighbour? An emotionally immature person is prone either to erratic and uncontrolled emotional expressions or to emotional numbness. A person prone to either of these tendencies would find it difficult to be a happy celibate. If a person's expressions of emotions like anger, affection, sensuality etc. are out of proportion, then how can that person relate to others with celibate love? So also if a person is too cold and unemotional, then that person cannot have the warmth of relationship that celibacy calls for. An emotionally immature person has sometimes the tendency to form unhealthy attachments characterised by excessive possessiveness. This in a way can be a precursor for later sexual involvement which is a violation of the commitment to chaste celibacy.
An emotionally immature person is characterised by a deep feeling of insecurity and is plagued by feelings of low self-esteem and too much dependency on others. This may push that person to give in to the demands of others - even sexual demands - too easily. Insecurity makes a person reluctant to say "no" to unwanted demands made on him or her. Fear of breaking a relationship or of being abandoned often makes an insecure person give in to demands made on him or her. This is especially true in regard to sexual demands. A healthy esteem and respect for oneself is a necessary condition for mature celibate relationship. Only such a person can respect his or her own body, thoughts, emotions and feelings and also respect others.