In this essay, I suggest that the quest for research orientation that can be observed in many Continental European
academic institutions these days brings along both opportunities and threats for the academic communities in these
countries. On one hand, it allows for an increased recognition of one’s research efforts and often goes along with the opening
up to the international community. On the other hand, however, the quest for research orientation seems to bring along an
increased homogenization in our understanding of what good research means and, thus, poses a threat for the diversity of
our community. Against this backdrop, it would appear important to try and achieve research orientation without regrets, i.e.
while ensuring that efforts to improve research output and quality actually enrich our community rather than impoverishing
it. At the heart of this endeavor, I believe, lies the mutual appreciation and respect for the substance of our work – an
appreciation that should not be limited to the number of papers we have published or the outlets where we have published
them, but rather should relate to the ideas, dedication, curiosity, and courage that lie behind those papers. Absent of such
appreciation, ‘research orientation’ will always risk becoming a signifier that, paradoxically, is both empty and restrictive at
the same time.