This is Pitak from MIS 2 section.
For Improving of information security in TTTC.
We would like to need your help and support for this activity.
The aim of this activity to compliance with All Toyota Security Guideline that defined by Toyota group.
So, we would like kindly you to assign the one of your team to be a steering committee
that work for communicate and co-operate with us to enhancement the information security in TTTC.
As a member of the ATSG steering committee, you will be provide the support, discussing and control the policy with the information security in you working area.
Please confirm the representing person of your section to attend the ATSG steering committee by reply mail to me as soon as possible,
and no later than 30 September 2016.
If you any question please kindly contact me via 8-22- Ext no. 234
We look forward to meeting with you!
Thank you and best regard;
Pitak P.
Deputy Section Manager.