The first time I saw you I was amazed, and since then I've been in the daze.
Thoughts of you have enchanted my mind and it's driving me senseless.
Love has new life and somehow I'm happy just sitting... and watching it grow.
Songs have new meaning and they bring out a feeling like holding you close. And when i'm feeling blue, you're the one who can turn my sorrow into joy.
When life is a bit of a mess, you bring something fresh back into my day.
Emotion go up and down...
Life spins around...
Sometimes it makes a disarray. Whenever it happens I want you to know I really do feel sorry.
Somehow... sometimes I just can't figure out how to tell you... I'm sorry.
Whatever the forecast the days seem gloomy while you're away. Whatever I do... there's no escaping the thought of you. Wherever I go... there's always the lovely image of you.
I can wish on the stars or hold your photo in my arms, but if you're not there... I still shed a tear. It's like being stuck out in the rain when you're not around to brighten up my day.
Doing things alone is more difficult then it's fun... I'm needing you back to balance my act.
And I can't relax or be at ease when the simple truth keeps telling me how very much do you mean to me. It's something real and some thing true, the feeling inside I feel for you comes out of me in so many ways, many more than I can say.