systems of maintenance’s telesurveillance, which allow the supervising and control of an equipment’s key points at a centralized location;
diagnostic systems that allow the failures’ visualization and determining the failures’ causes;
the “expert informatics” system that allows for the person who is interested an automatic technical assistance through detecting the flaw and studying the causes.
f. The developing and facilitation of the relationships between the research and design department
and the maintenance department. The best manner of reducing a cost element is the one of eliminating the elements that determine this cost. From this point of view, it must be considered, from the early stage of conception and investments’ achievements, the problems raised by the equipments’ maintenance. Important progresses are made,
in this aspect, improving the relationships between the research and design departments and the maintenance ones. These improvements are made through the following methods: in the industries in which the maintenance
costs are superior to the processing operations’ costs, will be assigned a person responsible with the equipment,
which will have the responsibility of providing the production some equipments whose global costs
(acquisition plus maintenance) are the smallest possible;
the participation of the maintenance department at the design and achievement of the investments and at the researchdesign department for improving and modernizing the existent equipment;
a common team will establish: o the documentation that must be given by the equipments’ builders, suppliers and installers; o the list of necessary items of information regarding the nature, the importance, the costs and the frequency of the failures and malfunctions, the costs of the maintenance’s operation, the number of functioning hours, the necessary replacements, etc, the necessary elements for a better choice of equipments from the reliability, endurance and global cost’s points of view; o a policy of standardizing the equipment; o general specification conditions related to the maintenance cooperation; it’s desirable that some specification conditions of
“maintenance” and “reliability” should be established.
g. The maintenance cooperation’s development. Nowadays, diversifying the equipments and
techniques at play and the necessity of costs’ minimizing doesn’t allow a company to be endowed with all the maintenance means in order to face all the needs. In consequence, it must be appealed to cooperation in all the
cases which are justified from the economic point of view. This cooperation’s development needs [6] [11]:
defining everything that must be executed through cooperation and the means in which this cooperation is executed, meaning defining a cooperation policy;
establishing some specifications or specification conditions, general and specific to each activity achieved through cooperation;
achieving a central coordination and a cooperation control, the assistance in informatics proving itself very useful in this domain;
creating a department capable to be given the task of maintenance cooperation or to assist the persons who are responsible with the maintenance in choosing and estimating their partners, in the commercial negotiations and in
controlling the cooperation operations.
h. The usage of modern means of information
A better development of a maintenance activity can’t be imagined without possessing detailed information covering the knowledge, analyze and management of: the equipment that must be conserved; the materials stocks
and the replacements; cooperation activity; equipment maintenance’s costs. Only a “maintenance’s operational
computerization”, with means that are adapted to its needs can be able to offer the necessary and sufficient information to the maintenance department and to the other departments involved in maintenance with a
satisfying rapidity, accessibility and selectivity. This computerization’s cost, even if it may seem high first, it may prove extremely low compared to the ulterior services it brings to the company.