The following questions frame the key issues to be considered during the monitoring process. It is not anticipated that the researcher will be able to gather detailed information on all issues/questions during this monitoring project. If possible, case examples should be provided to support data.
4.1 Recruitment of children by armed groups
• Building on Child Soldiers International’s January 2015 report, what new developments can be identified in the recruitment and use of children by armed groups? Are there any changes in the manner in which children recruited?
• Indoctrination/recruitment of children is reported to take place in the ponoh – how widespread is this? What form does the indoctrination take?
• Does recruitment continue to take place in other locations (mosques, communities etc)?
• In recent months, is recruitment being more widely reported in some provinces/districts or in particular areas, for example, urban or rural areas?
• How extensive is the recruitment? Is it possible to estimate how many children might be associated with armed groups?
• Are particular categories of children more vulnerable to recruitment (for example, children from poorer backgrounds, street children/orphans, drug users, members of criminal gangs etc)?
• At what age do children become involved with armed groups? (What is the typical age? Are any younger children involved?)
• Are patterns of association of under-18s with armed groups changing? What kinds of activities are children being asked to perform in recent times?
• Is there a change in the attitude of parents/communities towards the involvement of children with armed groups?
• Are there any cases of parents or communities trying to protect their children against recruitment or rescuing children who have been recruited?