Dedicated to the causes of the middle
class, Loudon developed the gardenesque
style as a way for small property owners
to enjoy the landscape. He formulated
different prototypical garden plans for a
variety of lot sizes, which he categorized
as fi rst rate (10 acres), second rate
(2–10 acres), third rate (1–2 acres), and
fourth rate (1 acre and less). Loudon
also supported the development of public
parks. He designed the Derby Arboretum,
which opened to the public in 1840, as an
educational and recreational garden. He
applied his gardenesque principles to the
11-acre site, which contained a central
gravel promenade, a perimeter walk
screened by trees, constructed mounds,
and amenities such as restrooms,
Dedicated to the causes of the middleclass, Loudon developed the gardenesquestyle as a way for small property ownersto enjoy the landscape. He formulateddifferent prototypical garden plans for avariety of lot sizes, which he categorizedas fi rst rate (10 acres), second rate(2–10 acres), third rate (1–2 acres), andfourth rate (1 acre and less). Loudonalso supported the development of publicparks. He designed the Derby Arboretum,which opened to the public in 1840, as aneducational and recreational garden. Heapplied his gardenesque principles to the11-acre site, which contained a centralgravel promenade, a perimeter walkscreened by trees, constructed mounds,and amenities such as restrooms,
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