Like other forms of mild paranoia, research students' defensive mind-set bears little relation to the facts. Rational PhD supervisors, advisers and examiners do not carry out their role for the money, still less for the dubious academic kudos involved. Instead most professors and other senior figures undertake supervision and examining for three reasons: They hope to encounter or foster fresh and original work; they want to induct promising young scholars into the disciplines to which they have devoted their lives; and they see it as a duty to colleagues in their department and in the wider profession. So providing them with a clear and accessible text is only the most basic politeness which they can expect. Writing to be understood by the widest possible audience of informed, professional readers will help ensure that your advisers and examiners form the best impression of your work and can carry out their tricky task in the speediest and easiest way. By contrast, a complex or obscure text, written in a crabbed and inaccessible way, makes working with you more off-putting. In the endgame of finishing and submitting the dissertation it may even raise fundamental doubts in advisers' or examiners' minds about your ability to carry on professional activities essential for a later academic career, such as effectively teaching students or publishing regularly in journals(see Chapters 8 and 9)