„Since, after you arrive at Cyanwood Mountain, does not have calmly and steadily, although has not touched the Cyanwood Mountain regulation, but I must remind you, should better not to do to be contrary to the matter of Cyanwood Mountain criminal law, otherwise, my not light bonus in you.” However he not only introduced himself, but also warned to Chu Feng dignifiedly, the manner is quite bad.
„Tuoba Shakuang, Chu Feng wants to make anything, had no need for you worrying, now you should worry should be you.” Suddenly, White Ape Half Emperor opens the mouth to say.
„Oh? Worries about itself? I have not known that what matter really I have, needs to worry, White Ape, how might as well did you and I say?” Tuoba Shakuang smiles cold, looks to the White Ape vision, is flooding bad as well as disdains.
„Is the chancellor person of penalty department, actually permits without Sir Headmaster, then arbitrarily punishes the Refining Medicine Division branch chancellor person, this is contrary to the penalty department criminal law the matter.”
„You are penalty department chancellor person, actually violates the law knowingly, this is the grave offense!” White Ape Half Emperor saying every single word or phrase.
„White Ape, you little give me to come this set, if Sir Headmaster, me naturally will report to him, but Sir Headmaster is closing up now, how can I disturb in him?”
„Let alone, your I am well aware, Hong Mo he is management elder, dares to beat Cyanwood Mountain core disciple recklessly, is nearly while still alive kills it, this is the grave offense, if Sir Headmaster, also will punish in him surely.”
„However Sir Headmaster is not, is the penalty department chancellor person, I have the right to carry out the penalty for Sir Headmaster, I have done penalty department chancellor person this matter of doing, what comes the grave offense?” The Tuoba Shakuang loud rebuttal said that manner is quite overbearing.
„Sir Headmaster indeed is closing up, but Sir Headmaster before closing up, thinks that should say with you, Cyanwood Mountain is acted by me, after you should I come back, reports to me becomes.” White Ape Half Emperor said that the expression not warm is not hot throughout, is very gentle.
„Ha Ha, White Ape, you may visited you high, reports to you, you think that what Thing you are, you also really think that Sir Headmaster has closed up, were you Cyanwood Mountain Headmaster?”
„Franks, before Sir Headmaster closes up, indeed had said with me makes you handle Cyanwood Mountain, but he said to me does not want me to take orders in you, but wants your my two people, handles Cyanwood Mountain together.”
„Your my two people, treat as an equal now, why do I report to you? Do you have this qualifications?” Saying of Tuoba Shakuang Coldly.
„Oh? Tuoba Shakuang, did you determine?” Has the insulting glossary regarding Tuoba Shakuang, White Ape Half Emperor actually shows a faint smile, during the speeches, the palm turns, the blue-green lignin token, then appeared in the hand together.
„This is, this, this, this is impossible.” However, after seeing the token in White Ape Half Emperor hand, Tuoba Shakuang actually immediately at present one bright, facial features big change.
Sees that Chu Feng and others, transferred to above the vision that blue-green lignin token, this discovered that do not look at this token outward appearance not, but the regulations is a treasure, and on this token, is carving five large characters „Headmaster law enforcement command”.
„Is impossible, this is impossible, how you will have the Headmaster law enforcement command, this is Sir Headmaster has the token that.” Tuoba Shakuang, complexion at this moment is ugly, formerly rampancy transformed, for incomparable being startled, resembles is unable to accept this fact.