4. Conclusions
N. nucifera and C. alternifolius showed the successful removal of
phosphorus from domestic wastewater. The phosphorus removal
efficiency in the wetland system by both N. nucifera and
C. alternifolius was 0.094 0.001 mgL1 and 0.048 0.004 mgL1
respectively. In addition to phosphorus, TKN, TDS, and COD can also
be removed by these two species. The main group of microorganisms
in the wetland system was Pseudomonas sp., which is free
living in wastewater and is associated with the plant root. The use
of both species of plants for phosphorus removal is a suitable
technique, which can be applied to the domestic wastewater
This work was supported by the Higher Education Research
Promotion and National Research University Project of Thailand,
Office of the Higher Education Commission.