This paper presents the recent developments and application
of image analysis and computer vision system in an automatic
fruit recognition system. It is essential to throw light on basic
concepts and technologies associated with computer vision
system, a tool used in image analysis of fruit characterization.
In India, in view of the ever-increasing population, losses in
handling and processing and the increased expectation of food
products of high quality and safety standards, there is a need
for the growth of accurate, fast and objective quality
determination of fruits. A number of challenges had to be
overcome to enable the system to perform automatic
recognition of the kind of fruit or fruit variety using the
images from the camera. Several types of fruits are subject to
significant variation in color and texture, depending on how
ripe they are. There are many processes in agriculture where
decisions are made based on the appearance of the product.
Applications for grading the fruit by its quality, size or
ripeness are based on its appearance, as well as a decision on
whether it is healthy or diseased. The objective of this paper is
to provide in depth introduction of machine vision system, its
components and recent work reported on an automatic fruit
characterization system.