This method is extremely accurate and fast for measuring low-frequency ac voltages. Its accuracy at higher frequencies is limited by the sampling rate. In general the sampling rate should he twice the frequency of the input signal.
rile are two schemes for resistance conversion. These are the constant-Current
method and the ratio method. In a constant-current method, Fig.5.21,constant-Current Sources from ¡ mA (for the 2(X)-U range) to 100 nA or less (for the 20-MU range), are built-into the meter. this constant-current source is applied through R'meas, the unknown resistor, and the voltage amplifier circuits. These circuits buffer and scale the dc voltage across Rmeas to the proper level for the A/D converter.
The ratio method of resistance conversion is shown in Fig. 5.22. It is normally
used with dual-slope AID discussed earlier in the chapter. Internally, an approximately