A change of role from young woman to “adolescent mother” means opportunities are lost
for the teenager, her family and society. It is difficult to assess the extent of the short- and
long-term impact of adolescent pregnancy on livelihood, quality of life, health, society and
the economy. Some adolescent mothers end up separated from their partner and left to face
problems alone, which can lead to emotional insecurity, stress and depression. Many young
women have to conceal their pregnancy from parents and people around them. Adolescents
are also at higher risk of death and illness during pregnancy and childbirth. Adolescent
pregnancy has consequences for the health of the infant, such as increased chance of low
birth weight, preterm birth and infant mortality. Children born of unwanted pregnancies are
also sometimes abandoned at hospitals.
Meanwhile, a number of pregnant teenagers drop out of school, while some quit their job and
are left with no income. As a result, they become “children raising children”.
The results of international studies show that inequality and a lack of rights protection for
young women are significant obstacles to solving the problem of adolescent pregnancy.
More specifically, young girls often lack educational opportunities, have little or no education,