variants were higher compared to infested-untreated plants
(N). Maximum plant height was recorded in the treatment with
Pseudomonas putida 3 (2) and Pseudomonas aurantiacea 3 (2)
(62. 9 and 65. 9 cm respectively). The plants were height means
from 62.9 to 65.9 cm. Infection by G. rostochiensis caused significantly
decreasing of the total length of potato shoot and root
compared to the uninoculated control (C). The bacterial strains
suppressed the nematode reproduction thus helping to increase
plant length. Data in Table 1 showed that the root and shoot
length of inoculated - treated with Pseudomonas fluorescens
F 10 (1), F 10 (2), F 14 (1) and Pseudomonas putida 3 (1) plants
were not significantly different from the untreated - inoculated
plants (P.0.05). The plants showed significantly lower value
for these parameters in the range 38.2 - 43.9 cm.