Recent developments around the world have affected all sectors in which society
is tightly and loosely organized (private, public, civil society, etc.). Accordingly, the
nature of work in each of these sectors has been affected by globalization and technology.
Changes in the workforce composition resulting from globalization, combined
with the rising popularity of team-based management techniques, have led to
a practical concern with the management of multicultural teams (Thomas 1999).
Technological advances have changed the way work is done and the way people
communicate. Globalization and technology have added layers of complexity to the
organization of work, which makes it necessary for people to depend upon one other
to develop their goals and missions successfully and effectively. In that sense, teams
and teamwork are integral to the way work in different organizations, sectors, and
cultural settings gets done. From the above discussion we can infer that the notion
of interdependence is central to defining and understanding teams in a complex and
diverse world. The section of this chapter explaining different types of teams highlights
how the degree of interdependence determines the nature of a team