Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic condition affecting patients over the age of 70
It is estimated that in adultsover the of 30 up 6% of adults are syumptomatic of knee arthritis and around 3% are symptomatic of hip arthritis the prevalence of ostoarthritis increases with age and with an aging population the effect of thisdisease will represent an ever-increasing burden on health care
Osteoarthritis of the hip and kenn is the most commom cause of difficulty in walking It has a huge impact on the economy with adsence from work and early retirement exceeding 2%of the gross domestic produt It is estimated that over 1 million total hip replacements are performed worldwide each year and in the united states alone it is predicted that between 1995 and 2020 an additional 19 million people a year will be affected by arthritis
we provide a comprehensive review of osteoarthritis in the hip andkeen joints including the disease process risk factors treatment options and outcomes this is based on a review of the literature using pudmed embase and medscape wedsites key searches used we hip and or knee osteoarthritis searches were then substratified by pathophysiology risk factors treament and outcomes using the most robust data available in each case