The minister said 12-15 Thai companies which have experience in various fields are being sought out to take part in the project, while Chinese counterparts will conclude the list of developers from five Chinese state enterprises.
The firms will be weighed up and selected to proceed with the project, he said, adding that the conclusion of the matter will be known at a third meeting on Feb 25-27.
Thailand and China last month also signed an agreement to construct the 734km Nong Khai-Nakhon Ratchasima-Kaeng Khoi-Map Ta Phut rail line and a 133km track from Kaeng Khoi to Bangkok.
Deputy Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith said the first meeting will pave the way for the establishment of a joint steering committee, which will lay out the schedule of work and designs and conduct a project expenses appraisal.
He noted that train carriage technology will employ the Chinese system, while track design will be made to comply with the Thai topography since it may be necessary for the sections to go through mountain tunnels.
The first talks could also touch upon human resources development and technology sharing on railway construction and operation.
Mr Arkhom said a sub-committee assigned to make decisions on finance sources and type of investment will have to conduct a study to find the most suitable type of investment and method for the optimum benefit of the country.
The sub-committee must conclude laying out the details before the second meeting on Feb 5-7.