Breast Care Research
Nurse Nurse
N =154 % N =105 %
No. of discussions with new
patients aged 70þ in last month
0 2 1.3 35 33.3
1-5 69 44.8 56 53.3
6-10 54 35.1 11 10.5
11-20 20 13.0 2 1.9
21+ 9 5.8 1 1.0
Missing 0 0 0 0
No. of these discussions which
were about adjuvant
chemotherapy in last month N =152 N= 70
0 44 28.9 36 51.4
1-3 77 50.6 27 38.5
4-6 21 13.8 3 4.3
7+ 3 2.1 0 0
Missing 7 4.6 4 5.7
If none in past month, any
discussions about adjuvant
chemotherapy in last year? (N ¼ 80) N = 44 N = 36
Yes 35 79.5 18 51.4
No 7 15.9 15 42.9
Don’t remember 2 4.5 2 5.7
Missing 0 0 1 0
Are you encouraged to share
views in MDT meetings on
chemotherapy for patients?
(N ¼ 226 who attend MDT meetings) N = 141 N = 85
Yes, always 97 68.8 22 25.9
Yes, only if I am working
with the patient 27 19.1 24 28.2
No, but I share my view 16 11.3 31 36.5
No, I do not offer my opinion 1 0.7 8 9.4
Missing 0 0 0 0
Do you think you should be more
or less involved in clinical decision-making? N = 141 N = 85
More 49 34.8 21 24.7
Less 0 17.0 7 8.2
Don’t know, no comment 24 26.2 40 47.1
Don’t know and commented “Same” 37 78.0 10 11.8
Missing 31 22.0 7 8.2