On the 15 April 2013 I nearly met my maker via way of motorcycle accident. I decided to write up the story of the accident, how it happened, what it did to me, and what I learned from it. It has been very cathartic for me, and I hope you can also take something useful away from it. I learned many lessons from the experience, I got to know myself as well as my friends and family a whole lot better, and saw how an experience like this can change one’s life forever.
It was my last day of party before my leave started and one of the first proper motorcycle trips I would be doing which wasn’t solo. I would be riding that afternoon to the Wacky Wine Festival with Karl, a good friend of mine and also a novice rider. We had arranged that we would meet at the hospital where I was working, and leave on the trip from there. At the time there was a light drizzle outside, and the road surface was wet, Karl, being new to riding at the time, was nervous about this, and after much deliberation, we decided to rather meet up at our place on the farm and leave early the next morning.