If you don't want help me get love of my life back is ok. But there is no place for me in the world without her. I can't give up On her I wouldn't ever hurt her I haven't since beginning of the year and i always forgive any hurt she did to me. I need her. All i ever want is to love and cherish her. To treat her better than anyone else could. Love her more than anyone else ever could. I only ever want to make her happy and proud and take away any pain or bad feeling she ever has every single day. Please help me. I cannot live without her. My life fell apart the moment this happend. I wasn't cheating on her, I was talking to people but only to have conversations in English not to flirt. I had even stopped doing that for weeks by the time she saw my line because I wanted only for us to be better to each other and start fresh in our new lives st new apartment we were supposed to move into the morning she left. We are meant to be together,we are right for each other....you like her? We together and talking everyday for 18 plus months and closer than I've ever been to anyone in my life. She has my heart my mind and my soul with her always. We are soul mates. It's the greatest feeling in the entire world. I truly hope you are lucky enough to feel like this to. It's incredibly rare and absolutely amazing. Please, im nit asking you to fix anything, this is all my fault from way back in the the beginning of the year, Just help me to be able to have the chance to fix this myself. I need her, her love is the only reason I'm even still alive. Just listen to me, she is everything to me and i will never hurt her never let her feel hurt in any way. She is the love of my life. Please help me I'm sleeping on a couch in a mall where the night time security guards like me and sometimes let me stay if I let them listen to and play my guitar
Please believe in me enough to help me.she is my baby girl. I did all this for her. The time 18 months together is least of what all i gave for our relationship i gave my entire life everything i had in the world because I believe in us I still do please help me to fix this I wish I could on my own but i cannot without help in the beginning. I didn't do anything wrong to mskr this happen i not cheat on or hurt her yes I did in January but we forgave each other of all the times we both hurt one another I not do that to her again like she thought and she knows that in her heart even if want act like this now. We are right for each other. It's completely different than just a regular relationship it feels totally different. I knew from the very start of talking that she was the girl i wanted to marry. Please help me to just have a chance to show her. I have to fix this and get our life back. I truly cannot without her I will always be miserable and sad until I can't stand anymore. I need her she Is the love of my life. One and only true love. We are meant to be together...please help me to be abke to show her again
There is no other in the world thst can make me feel close to how she makes me feel and i know I can do the same for her. We truly are right for each other. And I will treat her right every single day, better than anyone else could, love her as long as I live better than anyone else ever could, make her happier than anyone else could more than she ever dreamed she could be. She makes me want to be a better person, makes me be the best person i can be because that's how i want to be for her. I don't even care about other girls at all because no one could ever make me feel anything like how she makes me feel