Sawatdii Khrap
Hello, My name is Won, Korean who likes Thailand sooo much
I expect to meet good friends from this site.
Whenever I plan to go travel, Thailand is always on my top priority, so we could hang out in BKK, CNX or somewhere in Thailand in the near future. :)
If you're interested in me, please, check my Line ID; jjingjjingraew.
However, it because I'm working in Saudi Arabia now, my reply could be a bit late. Please, have your patience when you send the message to me. :p
** before you chat with me, please be kindly informed.
1. working in saudi arabia doesn't mean that i am a skilled worker. i'm working as an admin manager here not a just a labor in construction site.
2. it because i am working here is construction site, internet connection is sometimes good and sometimes bad. however it doesn't mean i'm playing with you. As i mentioned above, please have your patience.
Kup kun maak khrap
อายุ: 30