3.2. Structure of CF
The main aim of the work was to investigate the structure of the
CF. Already having a detailed overview of energy use, waste and
some transport/travel, NTNU was eager to investigate the other
contributors to the CF. In Fig. 1 we illustrate the main contributing
elements to the CF. The main categories in Fig. 1 are based on more
than 200 financial account entities of NTNU (full detail on CF
contributing elements are given in Appendix B). The results show
that the CF is distributed fairly equally among the aggregated
categories, with Energy (electricity assumed to be produced with
a Nordic mix at 189 g per kWh), Buildings, and Equipment each
contribute to 19 percent of the CF. Further contributions include
Travel (16%), Consumables (11%) and Services (5%).
Large parts of the Energy and Building CF are related to large
single contributions, such as electricity and district heating
supplied to all buildings. Conversely, Travel, the Equipment, and
Consumables CF constitute a wide range of contributions that spans
the different faculties/institutes of the University. In Table 3 this is
indicated in ranking the highest constituents of the CF of NTNU
divided into the responsible unit (faculty/department e> Institute/
section). The five highest contributions are all connected to the
Finances and Properties department relating to Energy and