On the basis of the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are put forward for the students, teachers and administration of educational institutions:
• All students, particularly the students of rural areas, should lay stress to improve their writing skills which can boost them up to enhance their studies.
• Well-planned practice should be made to instruct the students so that they may acquire maximum training for the enhancement of writing skills.
• Students should be provided training rather than mere instructions. Correct use of grammatical rules, spellings and syntax are essential elements for effective writing.
• Students should have practice of writing from the very beginning to make their handwriting fluent, smooth, beautiful and legible.
• The concerned teachers and heads of institutions should think ways to improve the ability of students in writing skills which will help to enhance their exposure for expression. Consequently the students may show their worth in the examination hall easily and can get good marks.
• Similar research is also needed to be conducted in this area and other skills namely; listening, reading and speaking to assess the students’ proficiency in these skills in the English Language.