Hypotheses 5
To test the 5th hypotheses this study uses the Moderated Regression Analysis. Before continuing the regression, the making of new variable named “Moderator” was made from the multiplication between the independent variable (POP) and the predicted moderating variable (EI). From the result, based on the adjusted R square it can be inferred that the employee’s perception of organizational politic, emotional intelligence and the moderator variable can predict 69,6% variations of organizational commitment. Furthermore, in the 4th Table we may see that the F test result is 78.839 with the signifficancy level of 0.000 (<0.005 means significant) which means that organizational commitment can be predicted by perception of organizational politic, emotional intelligence, and the moderator (perception of organizational politics * emotional intelligence). To prove the moderating role, set of T test being used. From the result we may infer that the “moderator” variable possess B score 0.279 with significant level 0.000 (<0.05 means significant). This result proved the “moderator” variable can be claimed as the moderating variable. However, from Table.6 we may also see that the Emotional Intelligence variable possess an insignificant level scored more than 0.05 this is means that Emotional Intelligence can only be concluded as the pure moderator variable, it cannot be claimed as both moderator and independent variable. The other result from this research also found that employee with high emotional intelligence will possess a
higher organizational commitment when their perception of organizational politic become higher. Otherwise, employee with lo emotional intelligence will possess a lower organizational commitment when their perception of organizational politic become higher. In this case, it is shows that Emotional Intelligence can change the relationship direction between perception of organizational politic and organizational commitment from negative into positive.
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