15 A parti is the central idea or concept of a building.
A parti [ par : TEE ] can be expressed several ways but is most often expressed by a diagram depicting the general floor plan organization of building and, by implication ,Its experiential and aesthetic sensibity A parti diagram can describe missing entrance, spatial hierarchy, site relationship, corn location, interior circulation , public /private zoning soldty transparency-and many other concerns. The properttion of attention given to each faeter uaries from project to project.
The partis shown here are from prefoutly concerns project. It is un………..cy, is not impossible to successfully cary a parti from an old project to a new project. The design process it the struggle to creats a uniguely appropriate parti for a project.
Some will argue that an ideal parti is wholty inclusive – that a informs every aspect of a buildings from itsoverall configuration and structural system to the shapethe doer……. Others believe that is perfect parti is neither attenable nor desinable.