Objective.—To describe a new type of headache induced by water deprivation.
Background.—Two medical students experienced headache over the previous 7 (C.A.K.) and 9 (J.M.S.) years when deprived of drinking water. In a tutorial on headache, they mentioned this precipitant, not recognized by the tutor (J.N.B.) or described in the medical literature. Dialysis and post-alcohol headaches are widely attributed to dehydration, but simple water deprivation has not been documented as a headache precipitant.
Methods.—Family members, colleagues, and acquaintances were asked whether they experienced a headache when deprived of fluids. If they had, information was obtained regarding the location and quality of the headache, whether activity or posture influenced the pain, and what amount of fluid and time was needed to relieve symptoms.
Results.—Approximately 1 in 10 interrogated subjects experience