A desperate HollywoodLife has fabricated a new story about Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, much like the webloid does day after day, week after week. Some of those made-up claims have included false stories about Pattinson supposedly dating Riley Keough, Stewart supposedly reuniting with Rupert Sanders, and Garrett Hedlund supposedly coming between them.
HollywoodLife is like an old dog that can’t learn new tricks, but instead returns to the same tired old tropes about two people that, in reality, have very little to do with each other these days. Now the site is spreading a completely untrue Stewart rumor related to Pattinson and FKA Twigs, and it’s only been 24 hours since the last time HollywoodLife pathetically tried doing the same exact thing.
In its latest attempt to stir up controversy where there is none, HollywoodLife has run an “exclusive” article (cough) with the click-baiting headline, “Kristen Stewart: Why She Thinks FKA Twigs Is Using Robert Pattinson.” The webloid goes on to write, “We’re not surprised that Kristen still has feelings for Rob. We know she still misses him, but it turns out she’s also very protective of her ex-boyfriend.” And, according to HollywoodLife, that supposed “protectiveness” has caused Stewart to react negatively to a recent FKA Twigs interview, in which she called Pattinson “the man that I love.”
A fake “source” tells the outlet, “Kristen was already suspicious of her motives, but when she heard that FKA was straight up talking about Rob to the press, that confirmed it.” The imaginary snitch goes on, “She knows Rob wouldn’t be okay with that. It’s so obvious to Kristen that this girl is just taking advantage of Rob, and it really pisses her off.” No, the only people “pissed off” here should be readers, who are subjected to this kind of lame “reporting” again and again.
HollywoodLife can’t even manage to stay consistent when fabricating its stories. In October, the site ran a whole different “exclusive” about how Stewart “doesn’t care” about Pattinson’s new relationship, and “pays no attention or cares who FKA twigs is and only hopes the best for Rob.” The article went on and on about how Stewart has “moved on,” even writing, “To say that she is jealous or thinks about him or anything along those lines is not really accurate. She has her own life to live.”
Of course, none of that is mentioned in HollywoodLife’s new story, which, again, is all about how Stewart supposedly has NOT moved on and DOES care about Pattinson’s romance with FKA Twigs. Quite honestly, all the flip-flopping makes our head hurt. But the most important point is this: HollywoodLife has run another flat-out wrong piece, and it belongs in the trash heap with all the other HollywoodLife garbage. Stewart and Pattinson have moved on. It’s beyond time that HollywoodLife does, too.