Source Credibility Dimensions in Marketing
Communication – A Generalized Solution
Martin Eisend1
The purpose of this study is to examine whether a generalized conceptualization of
credibility of various sources in marketing communication exists. In the survey, respondents
are required to rate source credibility by applying items gathered from previous
studies. To overcome inconsistencies and weaknesses of previous factor model studies,
a rigorous analysis of the source credibility concept based on an extraction of a series of
measurements is performed. Furthermore, an analysis procedure with various steps in
order to ensure reliability and validity is applied to the data. The selected procedure led
to a consistent and integrative solution of three highly discriminant main dimensions of
source credibility in marketing communication. The three dimensions can be referred to
as the inclination toward truth, the potential of truth and the presentation. Findings are
discussed and methodological, theoretical and managerial implications are highlighted.