These development efforts would not have been possible without the inclusion of sustainable remedial strategies and creative reuse of contaminated materials on-site, resulting in a significant cost savings to the City. The project represents the highly successful collaboration of local, state and federal agencies with private businesses and an engaged community. Their combined efforts are helping Neenah reclaim its history as a vibrant waterfront community while improving quality of life and economic opportunity. As a consequence of the success of the Glatfelter Redevelopment and past projects, the City and CDA were the recipient of the WDNR's annual Natural Resources Award in 2011, recognizing them for their commitment to environmental protection and job creation through the cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated properties in the heart of the community. In addition, in 2012, the U.S. EPA awarded the City and CDA two additional grants totaling $400,000 for community-wide assessment of hazardous substance and petroleum brownfields. This funding will enable the City and CDA to continue their efforts to transform other brownfield sites in the downtown, along the waterfront, and in other areas of the City to new economic, recreational, or other uses.